See “Umami Mama Says…” monthly series on Instagram
February 2021

In addition to this official website, UIC also provides various umami information on Instagram in Japanese, English and Spanish.
The London-based Instagram account has about 9,000 followers. On this English account (umami_fun), Dr. Kumiko Ninomiya provides a monthly series called "Umami Mama says..." in which she talks about umami in an easy-to-understand way. The series has attracted many chefs and writers from Europe and abroad.
In this series, Kumiko, well-known as "Umami Mama" by famous chefs around the world, introduces interesting umami stories in English to the readers who have heard about umami, but don't really understand it.
There are various themes such as umami of the ingredients that have become a hot topic and the latest scientific data including umami substance in long aged beef, fermented foods and cheddar, one of the best British cheese, etc.
The content is designed to make you want to know more about umami!
So please come and check out our official Instagram, umamifun, hashtag #umamimama.