Umami lecture in the 21st ICN
December 2017

- Date :October 18th, 2017
- Venue :Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Organizers :International Union of Nutritional Sciences

The 21st ICN:International Conferance of Nutrition was held by IUNS: International Union of Nutritional Sciences October 15 through 20, 2017 at Buenos Aires in Argentina, where some umami related lecture were presented. On October 18th, Dr. Toshihide Nishimura, the vice chairman of the Umami Information Center talked about how important proteins are to achieve healthy diet in the sponsered program "Protein to support health in aging". On the same day, chef Takehiro Ohno and Dr. Ninomiya joined in the sponsored symposium "Why Japanese cuisine is healthy?". Chef Ohno, who is one of the most well-known chefs in South America demonstrated Argentina soul food. Milanese Napolitana. He utilized umami to make healthy and delicious dish. Participants enjoyed umami lecture and tasting.